Price table - Preview area

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Navigation:  Project Creation and Editing > Register Price Calculation >

Price table - Preview area

Activating the Price calculation register displays the price list of the selected project in the preview area of the main window.




The upper area contains the price table with the unit and total prices of the project’s main and sub-items. If the Filter is switched off, the sub-items that are not relevant for the price will also be visible.


The columns visible in the table can be determined in the menu of the Selected column function. Alternatively, they can be selected via the context menu, which opens when right-clicking on the table header.


The lower section contains an overview of the total project price and its composition including VAT and any project discount.


The total price of discountable products includes the subtotal of all items that can be considered for a project discount.


You can define this accordingly in the Project discount line.


The total price excl. VAT includes the total price above after taking into account the project discount as well as the prices that are not included in the project discount. It shows the net price of the entire project.


The following plus [...]% VAT line shows the VAT amount, which corresponds to the percentage specified in the Change project data register under Settings. The total price [incl. VAT] represents the final gross price of the project.



The lines referring to the VAT (total price excl. VAT, plus [..]% VAT and the incl. VAT extension for the total price) are only visible if a (>0) value for VAT has been specified under Settings in the Change project data register.