Project Creation and Editing

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Project Creation and Editing

Once the pump selection and configuration is completed, the Finish or Next buttons create a new project. A dialog appears in which you can enter or select the project name, the project number and the project type.




By default, the program always pre-fills Project name field. This entry can be overwritten. The following options are available as a type:




In the next step, the dialog for editing the project opens. On the left side of this dialog is the project tree.



The items contained in projects are subdivided into several levels.


The top level always contains the project name.

hmfile_hash_e7890527 On the second level follows the unit name. It describes e.g. a complete pump including all associated items. The unit name is especially relevant as an identifier for the pumps found in the result view of a pump selection.

hmfile_hash_9ce9ce08 On the third level follow the names of the included items. Item names, again, only contain the sub-items included in them, i.e. without additional prices.

hmfile_hash_b5ba11e7 The sub-items belonging to the item are listed on the further levels.


An item is always shown in the project tree if it has been defined as a price-relevant element by the pump manufacturer’s settings (by data creator).