About this Manual

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About this Manual

The purpose of this manual is to support users when working with the Spaix selection program. The manual is structured according to the schematic structure of the program. The chapters are organized according to the menu of the main screen.


Similar and identical chapters are summarized and general descriptions, such as Often used Buttons, Dialogs and Registers, are described in separate chapters in order to keep the manual as clear as possible. Likewise, dialogs which can be opened in different instances are described separately in the chapter Menu and Topic-spreading Dialogs, in order to avoid unnecessary redundancies.


General Info


To facilitate the work with this help, here are a few notes on the structure:


The help is structured to follow the schematic structure of the program. The chapters are organized according to the menu navigation of the start screen.


Different font styles are used to allow thematic and structural highlights:


Normale Text

Normal texts and explanations.






These character styles are used for headlines.


Highlighted texts are used in order to make special elements or values stand out. If text is highlighted, there is an equivalent for it in the program.

Underlined highlighted texts represent links to other sections within this document. If you click on them, you will be directly forwarded to the corresponding chapter.

Hinweis Achtung

Comments and other remarks are shown with this symbols.

Aufgabe Beispiel

Tasks and examples are shown with this symbols.

toggle- Toggle

toggle+ Toggle


The so-called "toggles" are terms containing a comment that can be displayed by clicking on the text behind the plus/minus symbol.

Toggles contain explanations or images regarding the corresponding term.



Images, particularly screenshots are scaled down in part to keep things clear. You can show by clicking on these miniatures the pictures in full size. A new mouse click generates thumbnails again.



The extend of this manual varies depending on the purchased program version and license.

Program changes might occur at any time. Although we constantly strive to provide our customers with a high quality product, which includes this manual, differences between the program and the manual might occur.

The support department (support@vsx.net) is grateful to be notified if any differences are discovered.